Wednesday, July 11, 2007

LilyRose had her Surgery

LilyRose had her surgery yesterday and all went well.

I was a basket case and didn't sleep at all the night before. We got her up as close to the time we had to leave because LilyRose LOVES to eat. She must have been wondering why she didn't get her milk and then her breakfast. Of course we had a few people come to the hospital with us. My cousin Gina (LilyRose's Godmother) my mother, my son, my brother and his daughter. We always do things big in this family. We had to be there at 8:30 am and she was suppose to go in at 9:30am. They called us in at 9:45 and she went to surgery at 10:15 am. Only one parent was allowed to go into the room and hold her while they put the mask over her face so I made Anthony do that. There was no way that I could watch that happen. I would have passed out. That's my baby and it would have broke my heart. Anthony was crying when he came out. I had to laugh though because he had the white cover up and blue hat that he had to wear to bring her in. He looked really funny. I cried a little when he walked away with her and she's waving bye bye but I really lost it when I went back to the waiting room and my mother started to cry. But no sooner did we sit down they called us back in. As we opened the door to go back to the recovery area, we heard LilyRose flipping out. She was screaming and crying and we took off at a run and boy was I shocked when I saw here. This was NOT my LilyRose. She had this blank look on her face and she was kicking and hitting the nurse. So I took her and she was flipping and hitting and I almost dropped her. So Anthony took her and he was having a hard time holding her too. She was pulling his hair and squeezing his face and she had no idea who we were or where she was. This went on for a 1/2 hour. The nurse told us we could leave, but I was not going anywhere while she was acting like this. The nurse kept telling us that this was normal and that she would snap out of it soon. I was floored. She finally calmed down enough for us to leave. She wouldn't look at anyone in the car and when we got home she sat on the couch with my niece and finally started to be herself. She came into the kitchen and pointed to the cereal cabinet and then she was off to the races. She ate all day long. Finally at 1pm she went down for a 3 hour nap. She got up and ate some more and played and was talking up a storm. She was repeating what we said more then she ever did. The Dr. told me, don't talk loud near her for a few days and I had to laugh at that, we are a loud family. But she was fine and thank god it's done and she's doing great.
I want to thank everyone who has emailed me and called me and wrote here. I really appreciate it all.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So glad everything went well. I thought about you alot yesterday.
Have a good day.
Vicki in PA

Anonymous said...

I'm glad all went well with LilyRose yesterday. I was praying for her~ well, mostly for you, Lisa!!!! Post some pictures of that little sweetie soon~ I need a picture fix!


alison said...

What a relief to have that over. So glad to hear that she is doing well.

Kim said...

YEAH!!! It's over..
Glad to hear she made it through the surgery...
Have a great week..

Unknown said...

You have been on my mind alot, I went to email you but lost your address. I am so glad that LilyRose is doing well.

Nesting For Natalie said...

Ohhh what a day! I sobbed when they took my daughter's blood. This day would have done me in.

Thank goodness she is through it!

O checked out your blog because I LOOOVE her name :)!


Odemaris said...

So happy that everything went well... Congrats!!! odemaris

lara said...

So so pleased that it went well and that she is doing well.
Hope that you are all well and really enjoying the summer.

Jenni said...

I'm so glad that is over for you all. Sorry I didn't check in sooner. I have been without me laptop!