Lily loves this show

Panda pj's

Lily loves to draw and color

we love to bowl

Can you tell we love Panda's

Happy 3rd Birthday
LilyRose had a birthday party on Saturday night with some family and some friends. The weather was really bad, so some did not make it. It turned out ok though and she got lots of nice presents. We will have another birthday party for her with more family on this coming Saturday.
YEAH... Happy Birthday..
Looks like LilyRose had fun...
Have a Great Week..
Happy Birthday princess!!!
Lots of cute gifts!! Happy, Happy 3rd Birthday little one!!
I know i'm late, but I wanted to wish Lily a very Happy Birthday. I love that DVD she got, we picked one up for Emma as well.
I also wanted to let you know that I now have a new blog. After waiting 2 years I closed the old one down. You have us listed as a blog you like to read it us to be gwchinababy, we're now http://thejolivanafamily.blogspot.com.
One more thing - Lily is just too darn cute, she's beautiful and I can't wait for the day we can bring Emma home.
Hugs all the way from Florida's SAHM
Wow!!! LilyRose has gotten so big. It's hard to believe she is three years old already!!! Happy b-day sweetie!
Sending our love,
Matt, Manette, Matthew and Chynna
Thanks for stopping by our blog tonight. You must thing wow, everytime I turn around i'm changing the look to our blog, sorry for the confusion! I looked through your blog for an email address, I wanted to email you - so if you can pass that my way that would be great. HOpe things are going well?
Take Care
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