I hope everyone is doing well. I can't believe it's been this long since I was here last. So much has happened.
First off, I would like to welcome home April, Sean and their new son Aiden. He is the cutest little boy and we are so very happy for them. We wish them all the best and I can't wait to talk with April when she gets settled.
Joseph and LilyRose are doing great. Joseph has been playing soccer and baseball like crazy. Over Memorial Day Weekend he had a tournament and played 3 games in the afternoon. I will be bragging right about now, Joseph was the only one to score any goals for his team in all the games. I have to say that I was jumping up and down as I do not like most of the moms on this team. I know it sounds bad, but I can't help it. No love lost there. Thank god the season has ended. Joseph is doing great in baseball too, although the other night he caught the ball with his upper lip. I got there after it happened and of course being the way I am I kinda flipped out for a minute. He was on the field and I could see that something was on his mouth. To my surprise it was his lip that was so puffy that you could see it across the field. It's still swollen but it looks much better. He has 16 more days of school left. He's counting, not me. lol But he lets us all know everyday how many days are left. He will go to a summer program that the school offers for the month of July. He has a great time and all of his friends go. Have no idea what Aug. will bring. He will be playing Baseball though. Lets hope the Asthma stays at bay.
Now for LilyRose. Lets see, she is spoiled beyond belief. She is getting chunky and her hair is growing nicely. I even got 2 clips in her hair at once. I had Early Intervention come. Not sure if she will qualify, but I made them come anyway. She was saying 14 or 15 English words and then kinda stopped. So, I figured I had nothing to lose. Other then that she is doing great. She is a very happy little girl and we love her to pieces. She is the main event wherever we go. She loves the attention. She will be famous one day. I still can't believe that she is ours and how very lucky we got. She is the sweetest little girl and very lovable. Her favorite thing right now is talking on the phone. Boy does she love to talk. My brother calls from Iraq a lot and she has some conversation with him. He cannot wait to get home to really get to meet her. Don't forget, he left the very next day when we returned from China. He only got to see her for an hour or so. He says listening to her makes him laugh. I guess where he is he needs all the laughs he can get. He will be coming home for a 2 week break in the beginning of July. My mother is counting the days until she sees her son again. I think this is the hardest thing is has ever lived with. I couldn't imagine what she feels or any of the parents with children over there.
I hope you enjoy some of the pictures. Lets hope that I don't stay away to long again after this post.
It's about time!!! Just checked this morning for a new post and there was none! The pics were very cute! Seems like you guys have been busy. Hopefully we can get the kids together over the summer.
OMG! I just love how sassy she looks!!
yes you posted more pics , the children look great i love Lily-Rose in the blue , it really suits her she has such a cheeky grin too.I will try and email you with a list of book titles ,and also for a chat.
Love the hair!!!!
Hi All,
The kids are getting so big. I am very happy to hear Joe is doing great in sports. Way to go Joe. Just keep practicing, everyday. Lily, is also getting big and very cute. I am happy she has the chance to live the American Dream. God Bless. HI MOM
Hey! I just found your blog and Lily is just to cute! My family is in the process of adopting and it's taking FOREVER! Feel free to visit my blog!
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