I don't know what is wrong with me. I promise myself that I would keep up with my posts and then I look and it's weeks since my last post. I really need to snap out of it.
So much happens and I want to write about it and by the time I get here I forget what I want to write. Let's see...
LilyRose got her ears pierced. She looks so darn cute. When you ask her to show you her earrings, she tilts her head and puts her hand right below the earrings and scrunches her face up. It really is cute. Joseph asked if he could get an earring !!(?) I told him if he REALLY wanted one that he could get it, but he would have to take it out when he played sports. He's thinking about it now. I think it was because LilyRose got one and we all made such a big fuss over it that he was feeling a LITTLE left out.
Joseph was sick for 2 weeks. The day he made MVP, that night had a fever of 102. That fever of 102 came and went for 3 days. Every time I got it down a few hours later it shot back up. Then the Asthma hit. Of course all of the Dr.'s we have were on vacation and I don't like the Dr. that covers for one of them. The other Dr.s wouldn't even squeeze him in. Not very happy on the Dr. front right now and I am in the process of finding new ones. Thank god we are use to this and I have a huge supply of meds for him and I just treated him myself. But that cough lasted for 2 weeks. So of course he missed lots of games and was super upset about it. Thank god tomorrow is the very last game for the All Star team. We just signed him up for Basketball. He starts in Nov. Did I mention that Anthony is Joseph's Soccer coach? I have to help out with this also. Anthony and another dad (1 of Joe's good friends) will be coaching and between the both of them they know very little about it. So the other mom and I have to help out. Well, this will be a very funny season for us because the 4 of us have no clue.
As you all know, my brother went back to Iraq on Aug. 1st. I am asking for prays for him. Some very not nice things took place here last weekend with his Ex and it has affected him in a very bad way. I did what he asked me to do and of course with her things never go the way they should and things got out of hand and he is all the way around the world and it's just to damn much for him. So, keep him in your prays that he will be able to get through this and keep himself safe. Thanks.
We are going to Hershey Park and Dutch Wonderland this week for a few days. We really need a few days away and the kids need to have some fun. So we are going with another family (the other soccer coach) and Joseph is super excited about going. All he keeps talking about are the bumper cars. I will take tons of pics and post when I get home.
LilyRose will be turning 2 on 9/4. I have 2 parties planed. One for the family and a few days later for all the little kids. I have 20 kids for that party. I can't wait for her to have her very first party all of her own.
OMG, my mother just told me that my Aunt passed away this morning. I was just there to see her on Wed. night. She was 92 and a super lady. My aunt has been ill for a while and sometimes not all here but when we went to get LilyRose, she would ask my cousin Nancy everyday if we were home yet. My cousin said at times she didn't know her name but would ask about LilyRose by name all the time. For some reason my aunt and LilyRose had a connection from the very start. We were home a week and Nancy and Aunt Mae came to see her. My aunt was in a wheelchair, but it didn't bother LilyRose at all. As soon as my aunt came in the house, my daughter went right up to her and took her hand and held it for a while. She never shied away from Aunt Mae either. So needless to say I am very sad that my aunt has passed.
I was tagged!!! Thank you Lara. But please forgive me as I will need a few days to sit and do it. With my aunt passing, my mind is blank. Thank you for thinking of me and I will do it, I promise.
Lisa so sorry to hear about your Aunt, sending big hugs to you.
lilyRose looks super cute with her ears pierced.
sorry to hear that Joseph has been ill bless him, my brother had/has severe asthma so i know what that involves.
Have a fantastic time away , looking forward to the photos.
Lara x
Have a wonderful time away. Can't wait to see pics!!! Love her little grin!
Love LilyRose's earrings..
She looks adorable..
I will be praying for your brother..
Sorry to hear about your Aunt..
Blogger hugs to you.. take care..
Please say a pray for my grandfather as he is passing and I do not want him to suffer..
Have fun on your trip.. the kids will love it..
I will keep you, your brother and your Aunt in my prayers. What a sad time for you. Thank goodness you have such wonderful friends and family to lift your spirits. Lilyrose looks so sweet. Glad your son is feeling better.
Enjoy these last few days of summer.
Marilyn Rhude
So sorry to hear about the passing of your Aunt and your poor brother. You and your family are in my thougths and prays. LilyRose looks adorable with here ears pierced. Enjoy your days away.
Hope that you are having a blast at Hershey. While you were away, I had to tag you...come on over and see!
I have tagged you again!!
Im posting!!!!!!! hahahaha! Munchkin girl looks soooo cute!!!!!! I hope you guys had a great trip! Can't wait to see you guys. It feels like forever meanwhile its only been since Saturday. haha.
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