I had to post this right away.
Joseph's All Star Baseball Team made the playoffs this weekend. Friday nights game was rained out. It poured all day into late evening. Saturday he had 2 games. They won both games. Joe did pretty good. It was today's game that he did great. I missed this game (of course) because he had to be there at 7:30 am. Way to early for LilyRose. So I am on the phone with my friend April (Aiden's mom) and Anthony calls on the nextel and tells me to come outside with my camera. So I am thinking that Joseph is covered in dirt from head to toe and he wanted a pic of it. Well, that was not it at all. He opens the door and out comes this very big trophy. Joe has this huge smile on his face and says "Look ma, I was MVP today" (Most Valuable Player) Well as you can imagine I was jumping up and down and snapping pictures at the same time. He was so excited. He pitched and Anthony said he made 2 great plays on the field. Anthony said he did really good with pitching. I am so angry that I missed this game and the announcer calling out my son's name to come and get his trophy. I never really get over things like this. Now every time I dust his room and look at this trophy I am always gonna feel bad that I missed his special moment. Hopefully I won't miss anymore special times for him.
Well, I have some pictures. Check out that smile!!!!!!
Way to go Joe. I am very proud of you. You have made my day.
Uncle Ralph
We are so proud of you!!! What a great way to end the season. You did an awesome job and you should be very proud of yourself! Aiden saw the photos and said "YEAH!!"
Hi Gang, I am so happy for Joseph. MVP, That is fabulous. Lily-Rose is adorable and I am glad you are back giving us info. I love to hear about the kids. Happy Late Birthday Anthony. Hi, Lisa and Lillian. Love, Michele (Aunt Nancy's buddy).
Great job Joseph!! Lisa...I love the new blog!!
Hello to you all and a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the MVP, Joseph!!! That is awesome!!
Lisa, the new design is great!
Great job..
You have a star on your hands..
Love the pictures..
Take care
well done Joseph what a great trophy!!
He is just soooo handsome!! Great job Joseph!!
It has been lovely to "peek into your lives briefly"
All the best
Eric and Laura from the UK
Due to pick up our 1st and laura's only child from Guangzhou Sept 17th - our beautiful.. soon to be Li-Na
Blogsite: chapmanchinagirl (our little china girl )
Hi Lisa i have tagged you.
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