Ok, My husband Anthony was working on a job in NYC a few months back and met a man named Joe B. He is an Engineer. Well, anyway, they hit it off and Anthony told him we are adopting a little girl from China. So when Joe returned to NY (he lives in Canada) he handed Anthony a little box and told him it was for our Lily Rose. Well, in the box is a pair of little hoop earrings. I was blown away when Anthony got home and handed me the earrings. This, from a total stranger. He gave me his address and a business card. I couldn't read part of the address, so I wrote an e-mail to him. I never heard back from him. So today I decided to call and leave a message for Joe B. No sooner did I hang up that my phone rang and it was Joe B. I was so excited to speak with him and thank him and his wife. I have his address and now a Thank you card will be mailed. Joe was recently in NY and tried to call Anthony, but Anthony just got a new cell number and Joe couldn't reach us. Next time he comes to NY I hope that I will be able to meet him and thank him in person.
Then last night Anthony comes home from his friend Joey's house and hands me another box. He said that a few weeks ago when he was there, Joey's wife had a jewelry party and he was telling all the ladies there that we are adopting from China (can you tell that Anthony tells everyone that will listen to him about Lily) and apparently one of the ladies bought Lily Rose a ladybug bracelet. Anthony doesn't even know her name. Isn't this great!!!! Total strangers that want to give our daughter gifts to welcome her home to her new life with us. We are waiting on her name and address so that we may thank her the proper way.
It's just amazing that we are surrounded by wonderful, caring people. The world STILL has good people in it.
Then last night Anthony comes home from his friend Joey's house and hands me another box. He said that a few weeks ago when he was there, Joey's wife had a jewelry party and he was telling all the ladies there that we are adopting from China (can you tell that Anthony tells everyone that will listen to him about Lily) and apparently one of the ladies bought Lily Rose a ladybug bracelet. Anthony doesn't even know her name. Isn't this great!!!! Total strangers that want to give our daughter gifts to welcome her home to her new life with us. We are waiting on her name and address so that we may thank her the proper way.
It's just amazing that we are surrounded by wonderful, caring people. The world STILL has good people in it.
fantastic acts of kindness
that is a great story (Lily Rose will appreciate hearing how much she was loved by you guys and even total strangers), life doesn't get any better than this does it?
Hi! This has nothing to do with your post, but I wanted to make sure you saw this. I know you are wondering if we have pictures and info on your precious Lily Rose. I have tried emailing you twice (once before you emailed me and once after) with Lily Rose's pictures. We took 4 (they all look very similar). She is SO sweet and loved any attention we could give to her. You will just love her. She was all bundled up and in a walker in a room with 5-6 other children. I hope you got my email. I just wanted to make sure that you see that we do have pictures. Please tell me if you didn't get the email.
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