Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Happy Halloween
Monday, September 08, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Happy 3rd Birthday LilyRose
present from big brother Joseph
opening present from Godmother Aunt Gina
My first dollhouse from Aunt Gina
Happy Birthday LilyRose
LilyRose talking to cousins from Belgium
Joseph 1st day of school
She woke up singing the Happy Birthday song. Last night her Godfather Uncle Joe took her to ChuckECheese and then out to a Chinese restaurant. Aunt Maryann said that she was the main attraction as all the wait staff stopped what they were doing to come over and talk with LilyRose. She had a good time.
Tonight we will have a cupcake with a candle to sing happy birthday to Lily as her daddy has to work late. We will be having a party for LilyRose this Saturday night with my mothers side of the family and next Saturday night with my fathers side of the family. With everyone together, it would be nuts. I wish I had a bigger house.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Reflections on the pass 6 months
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I have posted to his blog if you care to read what happened. Here is the link...
Friday, May 23, 2008
A Sad Day
LilyRose has taken it the hardest. She is so jealous and she started to act out in ways that floored me. I tried to spend as much time with her as I could in the last 5 weeks, but when she saw me with the baby it flipped her out. My son Joseph didn't mind Ayanna being here, it just bothered him that I didn't spend time with him that much anymore. Normally, we would do his homework together and I would go to his baseball games and that kinda changed. Ayanna was always up around the time he would do his homework and with the crazy weather we have been having I would not take her to the field so Anthony would take Joe and LilyRose so that I could catch up on some sleep while Ayanna slept. Anthony tried to deal with it as best he could too. My husband gets up at 4:30 am every morning to go to work. Ayanna had her days and nights mixed up for a long while. I finally got that fixed and she got sick. She had the worst cold and ear infection so we were back to no sleep at night. My mother helped out alot with Ayanna. She is so in love with this little baby and really wanted to adopt her. I am just sleep deprived and really can't function anymore.
Ayanna was suppose to be placed with her adopted family a few times and then the birth mother would change her mind at the last minute. Her birth mother really wanted to parent her but she couldn't get anyone to help her. I really don't know what will happen to Ayanna now. They knew my family was having a hard time and so they found another host family to care for Ayanna until she is placed in her permanent home. So, this morning at 8:15 am they came to take Ayanna to her new home. I have never cried so hard in my life. That was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I mean I just handed her over. I am the only "mother" she has ever known and I just handed her over because we, as a family couldn't handle it. What kind of person am I? I hate myself right now. I can't even look at myself in the mirror. I dropped the ball so to speak. I thought I was doing a good thing here. I never in my wildest dreams thought I couldn't handle it. I will never forgive myself for not seeing this beautiful child through to her new home.
You know, I can't even write anymore. I just want to go and sort through my feelings and my thoughts. I need to rest my broken heart. Please pray for baby Ayanna.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Happy Belated Mother's Day To You All

I will not be hosting another baby anytime soon, as we just got our official referral for Jack. I filled out our paperwork for the I600 over the weekend and I hope I did it right. I was so sick, I couldn't keep my head up for very long. But I sent it to our agency yesterday and hopefully it will go on from there this week. Keep your fingers crossed. I posted pictures of our Jack on his blog. If you would like to take a peek look for his link on the right and drop by. We are hoping to travel before September, but that doesn't look like it will happen. We can't wait for Jack to be home with his new FOREVER FAMILY!!!!!!
I have to get pictures of LilyRose up. I still haven't even sent her Christening Thank Yous yet. I am horrible lately, but I am just so tired.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
We are now A Host Family
I am hoping that those of you that read this and think you might like to be a Host Family and you live in the NY area, please call Spence-Chapin. They are in major need of Host Families. Please, won't you open your home and hearts to these innocent babies and help give them a loving start in life? If you want more info feel free to email me. I really hope someone will call or email.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Just saying hello
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Happy Easter
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Video of Ribbon Dance
Ok, this was really funny to see in person. The video didn't come out as clear as I had hoped it would. Before the music started, my mother kept asking "Where's the music" the lady who was doing this was bugging out with her. She kept saying " in a minute". well my mother can't hear to well and kept asking her the same thing. The lady just ignored her after a while. I wish I got that on video. When the dance was over, the lady asked my mother to say something in Chinese and my mother did. We still have no idea what she said. The lady must have made her say something on the lines of "I am a crazy, annoying lady" lol
For all of you who do know my mother, you could just imagine what she is saying throughout this whole thing. Whatever you THINK she is saying, SHE IS!!!! For all that don't know my mother, you don't want to know what she was saying. LOL LOL she really is a very funny lady.
Oh, BTW, she is all the way in the back on the left next to Joseph and Anthony. Everyone did really well. My niece Christina (in the front) did a great job. Check out LilyRose, she moves like a pro.
FCC-LI Chinese New Year Party

Saturday, February 16, 2008
LilyRose is home 1 year today


Wednesday, February 06, 2008
1 Year Ago Today

Friday, January 25, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Say a Prayer for Anthony
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Happy Birthday Joseph
Well, Joseph turns 9 today and of course he woke up ON HIS OWN today (lol) and wanted his presents. So sorry Joe, but you have to wait until tonight when everyone is here and we finish having cake and coffee. You had to see his face when I said this. It was priceless. I wish I had my camera on hand. I will post more tonight after the party.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Happy New Year

Panda pj's (I love them)

Matching pj's (look at Lily's hair)

My Family