Well, it is the end of our day here. It is 10:10pm and I am exhausted. After Lily Rose got up from her nap we went to this market with Lene, she is the Swedish couple we met. What a pisser that was. They have the cutest clothes and we got an outfit for Lily and one for Joseph. So there's Anthony bargaining with them and it was really funny because we don't understand them and they don't understand us. So here's Anthony being very animated and they are laughing and he's just trying to pay for these outfits and I had to walk away because I am peeing in my pants. Then when we are done and want to go back to the hotel we can't get a cab. Now mind you we are with no guides at all. Every cab that pulls up tells us no, no go to that hotel. So there's Anthony standing with his hand up calling for a cab and when they would pass us by he would be saying "thanks skippy, or thanks lapper or thanks flounder". Lene was cracking up.
We get back to the hotel and we are starving. We clean Lily up and run downstairs to eat. Lene & Johan and their kids met us down there and we had a great dinner together. They are leaving tomorrow morning. We will really miss them. We had fun with them and it was great meeting them. So, Lily is in a really good mood because she ate 3 bowls of Congee and we gave her meat and bread and anything and everything that we could get her to eat. She loves to eat. Anyway, Anthony is talking with the others and she is laughing and talking and all of a sudden she looks up at me and says "MaMa" and I pucker up my lips to give her a kiss and she leans in and puts her forehead to my lips for a kiss. Well, I almost died. That was a "Priceless" moment for me and one I will never forget. 2 seconds later, I was forgotten. Oh well, I had a moment. We had a great day and I am happy.
Joseph, we miss you and love you beyond words. I am counting the days. Can't wait to get home. Hi Mom, I am looking forward to macaroni and meatballs.
Hi Lisa, Anthony & Lily! We too are counting down the days until you guys get home! We miss you tremendously! Your posts are cracking me up. Too funny! Well all I can say is that she is just stunning! Lisa, Im so happy you had your another moment with her...and there will be many more to come. Although once she gets home to Joseph, I'll think we'll all be competing for some attention from her. I got dibbs first......I am the GODMOTHER! :)
I love you guys! See you soon!
Hi Lisa, Anthony & Lily,
Just want to let you know I just read your posting and saw the new pictures of Lily. She is always smiling,thats wonderful. Seems like she has a great personality. Love the pictures, keep sending them. Tell Anthony we thought it was very funny that he was calling everyone skippy and flounder, leave it to him, I'm not suprised. Thinking of all of you again today and just want to tell you guys we love you and miss you and can't wait to your back home. Have fun Love Maryann, Joe, Gary, John, Thomas, Shadow, Missy & Coco.
PS: The dogs miss you too, lol
Hi guys - We are so glad that you met some people and are enjoying yourselves. Funny how you always seem to do that huh? Sounds like Lily Rose is adjusting beautifully. In every picture - she is just as cute as a button and seems so very happy. It's amazing - we were looking at the pics from the first day you got her and then the current ones and it's truly wonderful to see how the expression has changed from scared to so very happy. You two have already brought as much joy into her life as she has brought to you - and it will only get even better once she meets her big brother! We can't believe you have another week there - seems like so long until you return. Does this mean that we can visit sooner since the adjustment period has come and gone? You said she will go to anyone with their arms open - hey that's our invitation. :) Kidding - but as soon as you say the word - we are there! Continue to enjoy your travels - they seem amazing and it's wonderful that you are sharing all of the cultural things with us and will have a great story to share with Lily when she gets older. Be safe and continue to enjoy every moment. We love and miss you guys. Lisa and Derrick
Now that's an awesome day!! Good times. :)
Lily is just a doll baby!!
Hey there! Just wanted to say a quick hello and say thank you for sharing this life changing experience. I am so grateful that we met, we have eachother(someone else that totally gets it) and that our girls will have eachother. Lily Rose is just unbelievably cute and her personality sounds like it is too. I am so glad Nola is going to have such an cool friend. She looks so content with you guys. All those little moments you guys are having with her, I look forward to hearing about more of them. Lots of love
Hi guys..
Me again..I loved this posting..I can totally see Anth doing that with the cabbies..remember the stunts the guys would pull in Bahamas? Derrick and Anthony-forget it!! Too funny!! Then you share that moment with your daughter and the tears kept rolling! Lisa, that is awesome,you can totally see it in Lily's face that she is where she belongs! You and Anthony look amazing! The joy in both of you is clear to see! I can't wait to see you all as a family back home! Lil Joey is following your travels with me, He is trying very hard to say Lily! He just points and says "baby girl" and tries to give kisses...I can't wait to see them together and hopefully plan a "bahamas reunion" when you are all settled. Well have fun and enjoy every moment! Love the pics too! :) Love you guys...Trish
Hi Guys,
My last 2 postings did not make it...no idead why. Lily is so cute-she's always smiling!!!!! As much as we miss you,I'm glad that you have this time for bonding and learning about her culture. I was melting when you spoke about that kiss to her forehead! Enjoy every moment!........Nancy
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