Hi again,
I have to say that today a very good day. Lily Rose was definitely a mama's girl today. It was awesome. At first when she got up this morning, I was up already and she wouldn't look at me or come to me, so I left her in her crib for a while. Anthony was out cold and she kept looking at him and when she realized that he was not getting up she wanted me to take her out. So that was the start of our day. We gave her some rice cereal and a few teaspoons of prunes. She loves prunes and she needed a little help also. So we waited for a while and nothing happened so we called Joseph and they had a "conversation over the phone. Joseph said things to her and she answered him back. We have been teaching her how to say big brother and grandma in Chinese and she called Joseph big brother. I don't know the spelling of it but it sounds like GuGe. Grandma sounds like WuPor. Joseph was very happy to hear that. Then we needed to change and bathe her. The prunes worked. We got dressed and went to breakfast. She was very happy at breakfast. I was in her good graces. We had to wait for our guide so we went for a walk. The people drive crazy here. They drive up the wrong side of the street and actually cut over from one side of the road to the other. We got to cross the street once here and me and Anthony we like jumping up and down because we crossed the street. We looked like 2 asses. Can you imagine getting so excited over something we do everyday. Like when Lily Rose first went number 2. We were running in the hallways looking for someone to tell. We were like crazy over it. Again, 2 asses.
Anyway, Jacky got here and we went to the Mummy Museum. It was fabulous. It was so worth going to see. We really enjoyed it. We were not allowed to take pictures inside. We were allowed to take video though, which we got some great video from there. Lily Rose finally found her voice. I mean her screaming voice. She did it when Jacky walked up to her and she didn't stop. She loved hearing herself scream. She liked it even better when we were in the museum. Well after a while she screamed herself to sleep. Ahhh, quite. Then we did a little shopping there and got some great things. Then after that we went to a market for diapers and wipes and I have to tell you it was a mad house. I absolutely loved it. I wanted to buy 1 packages of wipes and the girl that worked in that aisle said if we buy 2 she would give us a gift. It was this Chinese basket and it was really cute so I bought 2. You had to see how happy she was. We walked around the market for a while but then Jacky couldn't take it anymore. I would have stayed for a while because all the people were super friendly. I had a ball.
Now mind you everytime we got in the car Lily Rose sat with me. That hasn't happened for a long time. I was overjoyed. When we got back to the hotel we took some pictures with the doormen. One in particular who's name is Dean. He is the happiest man I have ever met. We talk with him everyday. He even invited us to go to his home for lunch. I don't think I will forget Dean. We went back to the room and Lily Rose walks around and talks and talks. She was laying all over me and calling me MaMa. Anthony was getting bored so he wanted to take another walk. I didn't want to go so he took Lily Rose and went for a walk. I stayed and tired to fix our bags up. We have way to much stuff and we keep buying stuff. I know our luggage will be over now. When they got back we went to eat. We have not gone to any other restaurant because we love the girls in the Coffee Garden. They love Lily Rose and they are really nice to us and we like the food. We were meeting the girl that owns the photo studio at 7pm. She met us in the Coffee Garden and bought our pictures that we had taken of Lily Rose. They came out fantastic. She looks beautiful. We are so happy with them. I wished Joseph was here for that. It would have been great. So all the girls had to look and they think Lily Rose is perfect. They know we are leaving on Monday and they are sad to see us go.
Everytime I got up to leave the table Lily Rose followed me with her eyes and kept looking for me. That is a first. She only did that with Anthony.After dinner we came upstairs and got Lily ready for bed. She was buzzing all over the place. She wore herself out tonight. So it is 8pm and we are so tired. We might watch a movie now and just relax. I hope you are all enjoying our journey.
Joseph we love you and miss you so very much. We love and miss you too mom.
Hey Lisa call my mom for the number. Liz where have you been? Tricia can't wait for Lily Rose to meet Joey Jr. Lily Rose says hi to her new cousins, Courtney, Jordan & Tyler. What fun you 4 will have together. Hey Adrianna, we will bring your cousins Joseph and Lily Rose to see you this summer. Ralph, I called you from China and I got your answering machine. Hope all is well with you and we will see you soon. 6 days and counting.
Hi guys - It's us again. We love checking this site and can honestly tell you it's barely 9am on Saturday morning and we are on the blog. Just love it. The pictures of Lily Rose in the car are so cute. Li - we are so happy that she's becoming a mama's girl. She loves you guys more than you know. It's not surprising that you guys had such an impact on the people in your hotel, you always have that with everyone you meet. You are such a beautiful family. We will call Lil today to get the number and figure out how to call you. Yeah yeah - we realize you are 13 hours ahead. We will write more later. Enjoy the memories! Miss and love, Lisa & Derrick
Lisa, Anthony & LilyRose,
What a wonderful story! I have been catching up on your posts since getting home. I so enjoyed visiting with you on the way over to Beijing and your story. I wish you all the best. I wish I were able to work your flight home to see your happy family arrive back in the USA.
Your Flight attendant on Continental #98 EWR-PEK
Hey Lee, It is Liz and I AM here....been here about 1,000 times a day like a mental patient..lol. I LOVE checking in and seeing all your comments and the pictures are just amazing. It is awesome that we are able to share your journey with you through this blog. Lily is a living doll...LOVE her and cannot wait to meet her in person. We are ALL sick here, so it has been hectic, but I am still checking in on you a lot!! Keep enjoying the bonding experience and have fun!! Love ya! Liz
O.k. Lisa, I posted twice because I didnt see the first one go through, but now I see that you approve them first...so please just post one so people do not think that I am crazy!! LOL on this my 3rd post in 5 minutes!! LOL Liz
hey guys
im so glad you're having so much fun. She is absolutely GORGEOUS and i cant wait for you to come home
Awesome!! A momma's girl day!!
(The traffic there is terrifying! :0 )
Hey, Lisa, if you like shopping, wait until you get to Guangzhou. You're going to have to buy another bag to bring everything home. The shops around the White Swan have some of the cutest clothes, shoes, and misc stuff. I wished I had bought more for Isabel when we were there.
I'm glad Lily Rose is adjusting so well. That makes the trip much nicer for everyone. Hey, I agree with you on the way people drive in Changsha. I thought it was like the xtream version of Frogger with a little bit of bumper cars mixed in. Guangzhou driving is more like the US.
Have fun!!!!!
Michelle in VA
Hi guys! It is 9:25Sunday morning here on the east coast. You will be heading tomorrow to Guangzhou. I am so excited for you!! In a few short days you will be home with your entire family.
Love the smiley pictures, btw!
Hi Lisa,
Just wanted you to know how much I am enjoying your blog. Thanks for including us all in your journey. YAY for Momma's girl days! May you have many more to come>
Much love,
Ann H.
Hi Lisa, Anthony and Lily Rose,and Joseph 'taking care of Grandma',
I just saw the pictures of you with Lily Rose for the first time tonight - I'm so happy for you all.
She's cute as a button, and I'm really glad she's spicy like her mom - the world needs more spice!
Sylvia from Montreal
Hi Lisa, Anthony, & Lily, Just got in from the weekend and read all of your posts. As always it sounds like things are absolutly wonderful. That the bonding with Lily is perfect. I am so happy for all of you that the transition has been so great. Finally things are going down the right path, after all the waiting and stuff through this journey. Love the pictures, Love keeping up with you guys and seeing the sites with you. Love you and will see you soon, very soon. Love Maryann
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