Well, our journey has come to an end and we are going home tomorrow. I can't stop jumping up and down. Our last day here was wonderful. We got very early and went and had breakfast and met a great family from Chicago the other day that is staying in our hotel. They have twin daughters that they adopted 41/2 years ago and they are here to bring Henry home. He is so very cute. So we went shopping with them most of the day and then we had to meet Connie at the White Swan to go to the consulate to get Lily Rose's Visa. Well, I have to tell you that it is the most emotional thing. We had to get up and go to a window and show the women Lily Rose. She looked at her face and our passports and said ok, same baby. Then we had to wait for al the other families to do the same. Then this women comes out and talks for a few minutes and then she tells us to stand up and raise our right hands and to repeat after her. She ask if all the paper work was honest and truthful and if we will love our babies. We all said yes at the same time and me and Anthony started to cry. I think it was us and one other family that was crying like idiots. I couldn't help it. It was like I just gave birth to her. It was the same feeling I had when Joseph was born. Hey mom, This is your birthday present. Lily Rose is officially ours and it happened on your 70th birthday. Her Visa has the date of Feb. 15, 2007. That in itself is the most special part of this journey. Your new granddaughter official on your birthday.
After that was over we headed back to the island and did more shopping and then we met the family from Chicago and had dinner with them at the White Swan. It has been a very long day and we are so tired, but we have to pack and we have a wake up call for 4:30am and we leave the hotel at 6:00am to go to the airport. I am so overjoyed to be coming home. I don't care what the weather is. I want to be with my family and friends and I want to be able to talk to everyone on the phone. I cannot wait for that.
I want to thank everyone for following our journey and for leaving the best comments. We really love you all very much. Even the people we don't know. Just an awesome group of friends we have. I will print out as many comments that I can and put them in Lily Rose's life book.
I loved ALMOST every minute of our trip and it will be in my memory for my whole life. Our daughter is absolutely beautiful and we are so very lucky. She is a mommy and daddy's girl and very soon she will be up her big brothers butt and Lily Rose and grandma will get on just fine because they both love FOOD!!!!!!!
I will end this here because we really need to pack and I have to call home to talk with Joseph and to wish my mother a Happy Birthday. We love you all and please check back in often because I will be adding pictures of Lily Rose with Joseph and the rest of the family. Thank you all.
As always Joseph we miss you and love you more and we will be home very, very soon.
ps I ran into Caroline today at the Consulate. I met her on one of the Yahoo groups. Her son's name is Jack and he is adorable. We got a picture on the famous red couch at the White Swan and I think 2 perfect pictures of Lily Rose and Jack, don't you think?
Adorable pics as always! Love the pasta one! AWESOME! I called your mom for her birthday today and she cannot wait for you to get back...she really misses you guys!
Have a safe, happy flight home and I will talk to you tomorrow! Love, Liz
Oh my goodness, she really does just get cuter and cuter every day!!!!!! Love the red couch pictures of her and Jack. Congrats on making it this far. You are almost home!!! Just one QUICK (yeah right) flight home. I pray Lily Rose does better on the flight than AnnaClaire did... She's so pretty, congrats again. I'm glad your time in China was so much fun. I can't wait to see pictures of Lily Rose with her big brother and of your WHOLE family. You're almost home!!!!!
Hi Guys - We are so happy that you are coming home tomorrow. All of the pictures and stories have been amazing - thank you for allowing us to share them with you. Have safe travels, get little Lily Rose safely to Lil and Joseph. We love and miss you tons and can't wait to see you. Love you guys, Lisa & Derrick
Praying for an easy and safe trip home for you guys!! Looking forward to seeing pics of the kids together at home!! : )
Thanks for sharing your journey! Safe travels!
Safe travels! I am thrilled for you all and your being together at last as a whole family. I will be thinking about you guys.
Wow! I still can't believe you have your little girl and you are coming home. It really happens!!:)
Enjoy your kids and hope to talk to you soon, when it all calms down for you.
safe travels Lisa!! Talk to you soon!
hope you have a good journey home , i have enjoyed your journey and am hoping to see more pictures of you as a family of 4!!!!!
May God's BLESSINGS be with you and your family for a long and joyful life full of many wonderful memories.
Can't wait to meet you.
All our love,
Aunt Mae and Nancy
I got the priviledge of meeting Lily Rose last night when she got home. All I can say is that she is even more beautiful in person...her smile melts you, her friendliness is amazing. Such a precious, sweet little girl. Her big brother Joseph (who is gorgeous I might add) was amazing with her. I sat and watched the two of them interact and it was truly a beautiful experience. Lisa, Anthony, Joseph, Grandma Lily and Uncle Ralph - congratulations on your newest addition to your beautiful, warm family. Love you guys!! Liz
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