Monday, November 06, 2006

We sent our LOI - for our Daughter

I was not going to post this until we heard that we had PA, but I really can't wait anymore. We are really happy and I wanted to share this happiness with all of you. We sent out our LOI (Letter of Intent) for a beautiful little girl on September 29th, 2006. We are so in love with this little angel. She has the sweetest face and the cutest heart shaped lips. She is 14 months old and we hope to travel by March of 2007. We have not heard anything as of yet. We are hoping to hear something by the end of the year. I hope that I am not jinxing myself by posting this without having PA (pre-approval) but I figured the more prays the better. So that is what I am asking of any and all that read this blog, please pray that we are approved and get TA (travel approval) asap. We really want to bring her home and have her SN (special need) taken care of. I will post more about her SN after we receive PA.
I just this very moment received our "brown envelope" This envelope contains all the forms needed for our Consulate visit in China to finalize the adoption of Lily Rose. This just made me really happy. Now, if I could just get that PA phone call, I would be over the moon.


lara said...

Fantastic news so very happy for you all.congratulations.Cant wait to see the photos!!

Jenni said...

Can't wait to hear more news! So excited for you!!

Elise said...

Congratulations, can't wait to watch your journey!

Odemaris said...

COngratulations. We are sure that everything is going to work out for you and your family.